Sheriff Stilinski arrives at the home base for a search party in the woods at night. There are already other officers on the scene, and at least one K9 unit. The officers sweep the through the trees.
Instead, he tells Scott that every officer and even some state police have been called in to investigate a body that two joggers found in the woods. Stiles drops down from the roof, and Scott asks him if the body was dead. "No, a body of water. Yes, dumbass, a dead body." Scott is confused as to what the police are looking for if they already found a body, and Stiles can barely contain his excitement at telling him that they only found half of a young woman in her twenties. He declares that they're going to check it out.

The Sheriff asks if Stiles listens in on all his phone calls, and Stiles replies, "No. Well, not the boring ones." Sheriff Stilinski also asks where Scott is, but Stiles covers for him and tells his father that Scott is at home sleeping. The Sheriff doesn't believe this and calls out for Scott anyway. Scott hides himself behind a tree, and eventually the Sheriff decides to walk his son back to his car, where they will have a talk about invasion of privacy. This is unfortunate for Scott, because if Stiles is forced to drive away, then he won't have a ride back home. Helpfully, it starts to rain.

Scott runs, clamoring through the woods, and stumbles onto a road into the path of an oncoming car. The SUV swerves to avoid him and continues on. Panting, Scott lifts his shirt to examine the bleeding bite wound on his right abdomen and then looks mournfully up the road as the rain comes down more heavily.
The next day, Scott arrives at school on a bicycle. As he's taking off his helmet, Jackson Whittemore pulls up in his Porsche and parks next to him. Jackson opens his door into Scott and then admonishes him to "watch the paint job." Jackson's friends call to him, and he walks away, shooting Scott threatening looks. Scott doesn't reply.

Stiles accuses Scott of dragging him down to his nerd depths and making them both unpopular. "I'm a nerd by association. I've been scarlet nerded by you."
School starts, and we next see Scott and Stiles in English class. Their teacher writes "Kafka's Metamorphosis" on the board as he talks a bit about the body found in the woods. Mostly, he tells them that the police have a suspect, so they can stop inventing scenarios on their own and focus on the syllabus in front of them. Groans rise from the students, and then Scott flinches at the sound of a cell phone ringing. He looks around for the source, but doesn't see anyone with a phone out nearby. When Scott glances out the window, he sees a girl near the parking lot on a bench with a phone pressed to her ear. She tells her mother than calling three times on the first day is overdoing it, and then she complains that she forgot to bring a pen.

After class, Scott watches Allison when she goes to her locker. She smiles at him, but he fails to smile back. Before either of them can do anything further, Lydia approaches Allison and compliments her on her jacket. Allison explains that her mother was a buyer for a fashion boutique in San Francisco. Lydia declares Allison her new best friend. Jackson comes over to give Lydia a kiss.
A girl who knows Stiles and Scott asks them how Allison is already hanging with Lydia and her friends. "Because she's hot," Stiles replies. "Beautiful people herd together."
Lydia and Jackson invite Allison to a party on Friday night, but she demurs saying it's family night on Friday. Jackson asks if she's sure she doesn't want to come, because everyone on the team is going after the scrimmage. Allison asks if he means football, and Jackson tries not to laugh at her as he tells her that the sport at Beacon Hills is lacrosse. Jackson brags that they've won the state championship for the last three years. Lydia implies that this is all Jackson's doing, since he is team captain.
If Lydia merely meant that Jackson is continuing the winning tradition, he could be a sophomore like everyone else, meaning he was made captain his freshman year, in order for this to have become such a part of his identity.
Lydia and Jackson bring Allison with them to lacrosse practice, but Allison gives Scott a smile as she walks away.
At practice, Stiles confronts the actual possibility that Scott will get to play this year and asks if Scott would really abandon him. Scott insists that his whole life is sitting on the sidelines and he's done with it. He notices Allison climbing onto the bleachers and gets lost in smiling at her. Coach Bobby Finstock shocks Scott back to the present and tells him he's playing goalie. "I've never played." "I know. Scoring some shots will give the boys a confidence boost." Scott asks about himself, and Coach advises him to try not to take any in the face.
Scott takes his place in the goal and tries to make himself ready. He hears Allison ask Lydia who he is, and Lydia responds that she isn't sure. Allison says she was asking because she recognized him from English. Scott has been using his super-hearing to listen in on their conversation, so when a coach blows the whistle, he is overwhelmed by the sound. Scott grabs his head in pain, and while he's struggling one of the players launches a ball at him. It hits him squarely in the face cage, knocking him over. Even Coach Bobby Finstock laughs.

Jackson cuts in line, clearly done with this upstart of a nobody. He runs and shoots, and Scott catches that one as well. Stiles leaps to his feet, cheering. Even Lydia gets up and cheers, much to Jackson's annoyance.
Scott twirls the lacrosse stick behind his back and passes the ball over his shoulder to one of the coaches.

Scott suggests that maybe he's got an infection and these weird powers are the result of his body flooding with adrenaline. Stiles tells him that he thinks it's a specific kind of infection. "I think it's called lycanthropy." "What's that, is that bad?" "Yeah, it's the worst, but only once a month." Stiles makes a howling sound, and Scott finally realizes that he's jerking him around about being a werewolf. Stiles continues to make jokes, commenting that if Scott catches him melting silver in shop class it's because Friday is a full moon.
Scott comes to a stop where he remembers the body being, but there's nothing there. Stiles suggests that maybe the killer moved the body, and Scott hopes he left the inhaler because they're $80.

The dog's leg is broken, but Scott has observed enough that he can set a splint himself. Scott notices that Allison is cold from being in the rain and offers her his shirt. She tries to demur, but he hands it to her anyway. She leaves the room to change, but Scott watches her through the glass door as she switches shirts. The dog seems to give him some attitude, and Scott tells her defensively that he didn't see anything.

As Allison is leaving, Scott gets the courage to ask her if it's really family night on Friday or if she'll go to the party with him. She admits that it was a lie and says that she'll go.
Scott flops down on his bed that night happy, even a little blown away that Allison seems to like him. He falls asleep and wakes up in a pile of leaves. He's in a cave by the river somewhere in the preserve. Scott seems more bewildered at finding himself in the woods than freaked out and starts wandering toward home. The woods are foggy, but he sees the outline of the beast that bit him in the distance. Scott starts to run, but the creature keeps pace with him.

Later, at school, Jackson confronts Scott at his locker. "How about you tell me where you're gettin' your juice?" Scott gives him a dumb look and doesn't know what he's talking about. "My mom does all the grocery shopping," he says, and Jackson looks at him like he's a moron. Jackson demands to know who Scott's dealer is, and Scott finally realizes that he think he's taking steroids. Jackson wants to know what's going on with him, and Scott enthusiastically agrees that he'd like to know what the hell is going on too and lists out all the weird things that have been happening lately. Jackson smirks at him and vows to find out what Scott is hiding.
At the game, Stiles runs up to Scott to give him a report on the fiber analysis from the crime scene. "They found animal hairs on the body from the woods." Scott has to join the team on the field and hurries away without letting Stiles finish telling him that the hairs were from a wolf.

Coach Finstock calls Scott over and demands to know what he thinks he's doing pulling gymnastics moves on the lacrosse field. Scott defends himself by saying that he was just trying to make the shot, and Coach smiles at him, telling him that he's made first line.

Stiles insists that people can't just suddenly do what he saw Scott do on the field. "Don't even think that I didn't notice that you don't need your inhaler anymore." Scott argues that he can't deal with this craziness tonight. His life is finally going right and he has a date with a girl who he can't believe wants to go out with him. "Why are you trying to ruin it?" he asks Stiles. Stiles replies that he's trying to help, because tonight is the full moon. He explains, defeatedly, that Scott's bloodlust will be at its peak during the full moon.

Scott's showered and is getting ready to pick up Allison when his mom comes by to ask him if this is a party or a date. "Maybe both," he admits. Mrs. McCall is pleased to hear that her son has a date, and she hands him the car keys. "We don't have to have a talk, do we?" And Scott tells her that he's not having a safe sex talk with her. "Oh my God, no, I meant about keeping the tank full." She demands her keys back, and Scott cannot believe his life right now.
Mrs. McCall relents, because Scott pulls up to Allison's house in a sedan.

Allison follows Scott out of the house, but she doesn't catch him before he gets in his car and drives away. Derek introduces himself as a friend of Scott's and offers to drive her home.

Stiles knocks on the door, but Scott won't let him in. Scott tells him he needs to find Allison, but Stiles assures him that she got a ride home from the party. Scott tells Stiles that he knows that Derek is the Werewolf that bit him and that killed the girl in the woods. "Scott, Derek's the one that drove Allison from the party."

Scott heads toward the Beacon Hills Preserve, pouncing on Derek's car for no reason.
Stiles heads for Allison's house. Victoria Argent answers the door, and Stiles quickly explains that he's Allison's friend. Mrs. Argent doesn't let him ramble long before calling Allison to the door.
Scott is drawn to a particular spot in the woods by the scent of Allison's jacket. "Where is she?" Scott demands. "She's safe. From you," Derek tells him. Derek then tackles Scott. Scott asks what he did with her, but Derek tells him to shut up so he can hear. "Too late. They're already here. Run." Scott gets up to run, but an arrow with a flash bomb explodes near him, blinding him. Another arrow pins his arm to a tree.

Derek leaves Scott in the woods to his own devices.

Scott sulks, and Stiles tries to cheer him up by offering to chain Scott up on full moons and feed him mice. "I had a boa once, I could do it." Scott finally laughs.

Allison's dad, Chris Argent, arrives to pick her up, and Scott recognizes his scent, it's the leader of the werewolf-hunters. Chris doesn't recognize Scott, though.
- Young the Giant - "My Body" Scene: Scott in his room gets visit from mom and then he works out
- Dan Deacon - "Of the Mountains" Scene: Scott's bite mark is shown
- The Static Jacks - "Fire On The Bridge And In The Tunnel Below" Scene: Fresh school day, students walking around, Scott encounters Jackson
- Phantogram - "Turn It Off" Scene: Scott ogles Allison in the hallway, Friends talk to each separately
- Weezer - "(If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To" Scene: Scott is assigned to be goalie
- Teddy Bears - "Cobrastyle" Scene: Scott faces off against team and successfully defends the goal
- James Vincent McMorrow - "And If My Heart Should Somehow Stop" Scene: Scott and Allison at the vet fixing up the dog and being flirty / Scott in bed
- Kids Of 88 - "Just A Little Bit" Scene: Scott is amazing at lacrosse which surprises everyone
- Mike Del Rio - "Feel Good!" Scene: Coach and crowd applaud Scott, Stiles mystified
- Glowfriends - "Today Could Be The Day" Scene: Scott gets out of shower and talks to his mom / Derek waits outside their house
- The Limousines - "Internet Killed the Video Star" Scene: Scott and Allison arrive at the party
- Deadmau5 - "Ghosts N Stuff" Scene: Scott and Allison dance, Scott's wolf senses engage
- The Sea Of Cortez - "The Shores" Scene: Derek tells Scott he is a werewolf / Stiles picks Scott up by the roadside