As he lays there, Jackson's senses start to sharpen, and he can hear water dropping and the turn of the fan blades better than he should be able to. He's not satisfied with that, though, and tries to lift the bar with too much weight. It goes right down to his chest, and he can't lift it. Erica appears over him and lifts the bar from his chest with one hand.

While Jackson is on the floor, unable to move, Isaac comes over and crouches in front of him. "You're still gonna have to do one more thing for us. Well, actually, for me."

Danny tells Jackson that he found a program that could recover the erased data from his video. He says he'll run it during their free period that afternoon. Jackson then overhears Erica talking to Isaac, confirming that Derek wants something done during Chemistry class. Isaac advocates just killing their target, while Erica says she's going to test her first.

Jackson tells Scott and Stiles that Derek tested him to see if he was the kanima. Stiles then asks if they think it's Lydia. Jackson isn't sure, he just heard her name and something about Chemistry. Coach Finstock shouts at Jackson and asks if he has something he'd like to share with the rest of the class. Jackson compliments the Coach, and Finstock yells at him to shut it.
Scott asks Stiles how he knows the kanima isn't Lydia. "Because I looked into the eyes of that thing, okay? And what I saw was pure evil. And when I look into Lydia's eyes, I only see 50% evil. All right, maybe 60." Scott points out that that's not a good argument, and Stiles is aware of that. "Lydia's fine," he says.

Lydia comes out of her vision crying, with Coach Finstock calling her name. She's up at the front of the room, and she's written ɘmqlɘʜɘnoɘmoƨ (Someone Help Me) all over the board. Young Peter Hale is seen sitting in the class just a few desks away from Stiles. Finstock asks if someone would like to try answering in English, and everyone laughs. Scott asks if it's Greek. Stiles shows him a photo he just took of the board and flips it, revealing that it's English, just mirrored.
Stiles and Scott head into Chemistry. Scott is sure that Derek isn't going to just kill Lydia without proof. Stiles asks when and where. When they see Erica and Isaac come into the room, they realize that the test is going to happen right then. Scott quickly takes the empty seat next to Lydia. Stiles sits next to her on the other side, even though there isn't an empty seat there. Allison comes in, and Scott motions for her to be wary of Erica and Isaac.

Scott pours some blue liquid into a beaker and asks Erica to wait before she does whatever she's planning. Erica tells him to talk to her instead and leans in close, but Scott pulls away. Erica can smell Allison all over Scott and realizes they aren't as broken up as they try to appear. She puts her hand on his leg and tells him that she'd be wanting him all the time.
Lydia sees Erica touching him and asks Allison if it's true that she never gets jealous. Allison acts nonplussed.

Allison advises Lydia to not talk to Erica or Isaac. Everyone switches, and Scott takes the seat next to Lydia. Stiles is with Isaac. "If you harm one perfect strawberry blond hair on her head, I'm gonna turn your little werewolf ass into a fur coat and give it to her as a birthday present," Stiles tells him. Isaac isn't amused. He tells Stiles that he did ask Lydia out once, the first day of freshman year. They talk about how she spited him. Stiles suggests channeling all his negative energy into writing in English class. "Nah. I was thinking I'd channel it into killing her. I'm not very good at writing."

Harris rings the bell and announces that if they've done the experiment correctly they should have a crystal that they can eat. Stiles and Scott have a beaker of beige goo.

Danny asks if anyone can get into Jackson's house, and just then Lydia and Stiles walk into the library. Jackson realizes that it could be Lydia because she has a key.
Allison brings Ms. Morell a page from the bestiary to see if she can read it. Ms. Morell translates:
Like the wolf, its power is greatest at the moon's peak.
Ms. Morell tries to get out of reading more, but Allison begs her to try to translate it now.
Like the wolf, the kanima is a social creature, but where the wolf seeks a pack the kanima seeks a friend.
Allison asks what a friend could mean, and Ms. Morell suggests that maybe the kanima is lonely.

Scott then realizes that he's in the wrong place.

Scott tries to run for the school, but Boyd clotheslines him. Derek says that he isn't sure why Scott feels like he has to protect everyone, but Lydia is dangerous and going to kill more people. Lydia was bitten by an alpha, which in Derek's mind means it has to be her. "You saw that thing up close. You know it isn't like us." "But it is. We're all shapeshifters." Derek tells him that it's rare but sometimes the shape you take reflects the type of person you are. Scott suggests that Lydia could be immune. Derek tells him that no one is immune. He's never seen or heard of someone being immune to the Bite. "It's never happened!" "What about Jackson?" Derek doesn't have an answer for that.

Scott accuses Derek of testing Jackson because he gave him the Bite and it didn't either kill him or turn him. He says that he thinks Lydia is immune and passed that on to Jackson. Derek doesn't believe it. Scott tells him that he was hoping he could convince him not to kill her but he wasn't counting on it.
Isaac and Erica head into the library looking for Lydia. Isaac grabs Matt and demands to know where "she" is. Meanwhile, Stiles, Lydia, Jackson, and Allison head out of the library for a study group. They all get into Stiles's Jeep and drive away.
Scott runs into the school and it stopped by Coach Finstock who wants to know why there is lacrosse gear that's destroyed. Someone found Danny's gear under the bleachers. Finstock tells him to make sure Danny takes care of his equipment or Scott will be responsible for it. "Do you want to be responsible for taking care of Danny's equipment all the time?" "That depends, are we still talking about lacrosse pads?" Because apparently if they weren't, Scott's answer would differ?
Stiles, Lydia, Jackson, and Allison go to Scott's house. Allison thanks Jackson for helping, but he says he needed to talk to Lydia anyway. When they get inside, Stiles locks every lock on the door and explains that there's been a few break-ins around the neighborhood. Allison motions to Jackson, and Jackson asks Lydia to follow him to he can talk to her.
Back at the high school, class lets out. Scott runs into Matt, who turns and takes a picture of him. The photo again has lens flare.

Scott confronts Danny in the library with the ripped up pads. Danny asks him what he did to them, but Scott asks him what happened. Danny says he was playing goalie, which has a different set of pads.

While Danny is looking at his destroyed pads, his computer finishes the video reconstruction. It shows Jackson starting to sit up while still asleep. He opens his eyes, and they are completely yellow.
Allison doesn't want to, but she thinks she has to call her dad. The situation is too dire, even if it costs her her relationship with Scott. Upstairs, Jackson accuses Lydia of editing the tape. He says he doesn't know why she would do that. Maybe she wanted to take his moment like she takes everything. She tells him that if he wants the key so badly he can have it, and then removes the chain she keeps it on from around her neck.

Stiles tells Allison to shoot one of the betas. They told Scott they could protect themselves, so they should step up. Stiles thinks that the Werewolf aren't expecting a fight, so if they get one they'll leave. Allison asks which one, and Stiles suggests Derek. Allison points out that if Scott can catch an arrow then Derek definitely can. Stiles just tells her to shoot one of the other three, and Allison corrects him that there are two. Isaac is missing.

Lydia and Jackson hear crashing downstairs. Lydia goes to investigate, but Jackson falls to his knees and grabs the back of his neck in pain. Allison appears and tells Lydia to get back in Scott's room because someone is trying to break in. Lydia does and notices that Jackson is missing and the window is open. She calls the cops.

Outside, Derek and Boyd watch the house to see how their plan is progressing. Lights go out and there's roaring. Then the front door opens and Isaac and Erica fly out. Scott, Allison, and Stiles step out onto the porch. "I think I'm finally getting why you keep refusing me, Scott. You're not an omega. You're already an alpha of your own pack. But you know you can't beat me." Scott tells him that he can hold him off until the cops arrive.
The kanima crawls on the roof and roars at them all. Derek tells Boyd to get Isaac and Erica out of there.
Then Lydia rushes out of the front door. "Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on!"

And they all realize that it's Jackson.
The kanima crawls up next to a car and puts its hand on the window. The driver puts his hand up to match it. And then the kanima runs away.
- Vibrolux - "Can't Stop the Rock" Scene: Jackson is lifting weights
- Living Things - "Terror Visions" Scene: Jackson is taunted by Isaac
- Marianas Trench - "Stutter" Scene: Scott & Stiles are in the hallway
- Marianas Trench - "Haven't Had Enough" Scene: Chemistry class
- Coucheron - "Outrageous (Original Mix)" Scene: Isaac sharpens his claws on the lockers as he and Erica walk down the hallway
- Digital Daggers - "Bad Intentions" Scene: Erica is incapacitated by Allison