“I've decided to drop some of the dead weight in my life and you're about the deadest.” - Jackson to Lydia Martin
"I helped you. I helped save you. Okay you got what you wanted. Now it's my turn to get what I want." - Jackson to Derek Hale
"For the record, I'm everybody's type." - Jackson to Danny Mahealani
Jackson Whittemore is the captain of the Cyclones lacrosse team at Beacon Hills High School, the boyfriend of Lydia Martin and best friends with Danny Mahealani. In Season 1, Jackson becomes the nemesis of Scott McCall over his ire at the latter's impossible athletic improvement. He discovers the supernatural world after investigating Scott, as well as Stiles, leading him to Derek Hale, and the Alpha, realizing Scott has become a werewolf. Jackson makes it his goal to become a werewolf too, resorting to blackmailing Scott. He eventually receives the Bite from an unwilling Derek after helping to defeat Peter. In Season 2, Jackson is now a supernatural creature, but his body rejects and twists the transformation. He instead becomes a serpentine shapeshifter called the kanima. Jackson comes to be under the mind control of Matt Daehler and then Gerard Argent, enslaved to do their bidding, killing multiple innocents. In the end, Jackson is saved by Lydia, having pulled him back through his heart. Jackson subsequently adopts his long-absent identity, and he is cured of being a kanima, properly transforming into a werewolf. Prior to Season 3, Jackson parts with Lydia, and leaves Beacon Hills to start a new life in London, England.
Jackson has the typical persona of the high school sports jock. He has an extremely charismatic, but narcissistic and vindictive personality, being immensely cocky, entitled, obnoxious and self-obsessed.
"Hey, way to catch it with your face, McCall!"
Jackson has a competitive nature, and due to his attractiveness, athleticism and his parents' upper-class status, he revels in being the 'big man on campus' amongst his high school peers. He is immensely smug over his being the rich, popular captain of the Cyclones Lacrosse Team who drives an expensive car. He takes any and every chance to bad-mouth or degrade his classmates when they attract his ire, regarding them as inferior to him. He even extends his abrasiveness towards Lydia when he sees so. Jackson also tends to be extremely jealous and hostile towards people he sees as a threat to his self-proclaimed supremacy. He's immediately suspicious of Scott's newly impossible athleticism, his besting him at lacrosse and other activities to the extent that it impacts his psyche. He goes to obsessive lengths to find out what is going on with Scott. Once he discovers the supernatural, he becomes entitled in becoming a werewolf also.
Despite his narcissistic personality, Jackson does have some redeeming qualities, he can be loyal and supportive towards the people close to him. He turns out to be genuine friends with Danny Mahealani, and is truely loves his girlfriend Lydia Martin, but is too proud to ever admit or show it.
Jackson strives to be the perfect overachiever, to always reach the top in any competition which explains his competitive, aggressive antics. This is due to his deep rooted insecurity over the fact he was adopted, and has never met his birth parents. This state of mind has lead to him labouring self-imposed unrealistic expectations and his inability to see his adoptive parents as his true caregivers. This trait resulted in Jackson's lack of a subconscious identity and this was the causal factor for Jackson coming under the curse of the Kanima.
In Master Plan, when Jackson resurfaces due to Lydia's intervention, Jackson realized his identity upon learning Lydia still loved him. Jackson finally exhibited true empathy, selflessness and courage, in allowing Derek and Peter Hale to kill him to protect the people he cared for from himself, and after he's cured true happiness in embracing Lydia.
Jackson's birth parents are both dead and buried in Beacon Hills Cemetery. They died in a car accident on June 14, 1995, on Route 23 off Old Deacon Rd. When Jackson turns 18, he will be getting a huge settlement. Jackson was born on June 15, implying that his mother was pregnant with him at the time of her death and the doctors managed to extract him before he died as well.
Jacksons birth parents' names were Gordon and Margaret Miller.
Jackson is also captain of the swim team.
His teachers describe him as an unusually driven student. His parents assume that because he's adopted he feels a need to prove himself to the biological parents he's never met. Since Scott has been challenging him in lacrosse, Jacksons desire to achieve has notched higher, resulting in him seeming almost obsessed.
Jackson lives across the street from Isaac Lahey. His house number is 890, and the house itself is strikingly modern in design.
Jackson takes his status as lacrosse captain very seriously. It is potentially the most important thing in his life, and he cannot abide Scott's newfound sports prowess. Jackson decides early that the only explanation for Scott's miraculous transformation is drugs, and he vows to find out what Scott is on.
Jackson makes it a point to attack Scott on the field and try to get his teammates to shun him. This only fuels Scott's anger and unbeknownst to Jackson endangers them all.
Scott separates Jackson's shoulder before the first game where Scott will play first line, and Jackson goes to the hospital at Lydia's behest to get a cortizone shot. She pressures him to get another shot just before game time. Jackson's plan to have the team exclude Scott works for most of the game, but the team is also losing because they are avoiding making good plays. Eventually, the Coach overrides Jackson's order to his teammates, and Scott scores them the winning points. Jackson finds Scott's discarded lacrosse glove on the field and discovers holes in the fingertips where Scott's claws ripped through. He doesn't know what it means, but he knows he's onto something weird.
Because Lydia has decided to make Allison her new friend, Jackson is forced to hang out with her and with Scott. They sit at his table during lunch, where Jackson mostly shows off his ignorance. He doesn't realize that cougars and mountain lions are the same thing. Lydia pretends to be dumb to stay on his good side, although she does correct him.
Lydia then arranges that she, Jackson, Scott, and Allison go on a bowling date. Jackson is highly competitive and gets Scott to declare that he's an excellent bowler, even though he's a terrible bowler. At the lanes, Jackson laughs at Scott's lack of skill, until Scott starts using a bit of his werewolf skills to improve his game. Jackson is further humiliated when Lydia reveals that she is also a good bowler and doesn't need his attempts at help. While Scott tries to clear the air between them, Jackson further solidifies their rivalry by vowing to found out what Scott's secret is an expose him.
After Derek gets shot with a wolfsbane bullet, he goes looking for Scott at the high school. He finds Jackson instead and demands to know where Scott is. Jackson assumes Derek is Scott's drug dealer and says that he'll tell him where Scott is if he reveals what Scott is on. Derek looks at him like he has no idea what he's talking about, but Jackson names a few steroids so Derek can follow this conversation. Derek tries to leave, but Jackson steps in front of him and suggests that he stop sampling the merchandise because he looks terrible.
Blood seeps down Derek's arm and drops onto the floor. He clenches his fist inside in jacket sleeve to hide it. He tries to leave for a second time, but Jackson grabs him to stop him. Derek grabs Jackson by the neck and slams him into a locker. His claws come out without meaning to, and he leaves deep wounds in Jackson's neck. For the first time, Jackson looks a little terrified by something.
On a date night, Lydia and Jackson pull up outside the Video 2C. Jackson is explaining the Hoosiers (iTunes) is the best sports movie ever, although Lydia couldn't possibly care less. She refuses to watch it, and Jackson angrily tells her that he's not watching The Notebook (iTunes) again. She just looks at him, and the next thing we see is Jackson in the video store asking for help finding The Notebook. The store is deserted, and a phone continues to ring in the background. As Jackson walks further into the store, he sees feet sticking out the end of one of the aisles. He approaches slowly and falls back in horror when he finds the store clerk with his throat slashed open. Jackson knocks over the ladder holding up the light fixture, which causes the electricity throughout the store to start flickering.
Jackson hears something in the darkness and turns around to see the red glow of the alpha's eyes. He attempts to hide between some rows of shelves, but the alpha knocks them over like dominoes, and Jackson is caught under one of the displays. He lies perfectly still, gasping, as the alpha draws back the collar of his coat to examine the claw marks that Derek left on him. The marks glow with a purple light, and the alpha quickly leaves him, bursting through the store window and past Lydia's car.
The Sheriff and Stiles arrive at the Video 2C to take Jackson and Lydia's statements. Jackson demands to know why he can't go home. Jackson gets in the Sheriff's face and yells about his right to leave, trying his best to belittle this public servant who doesn't appear to be serving. He calls the Sheriff a minimum wage Rent-a-Cop. Eventually, he's allowed to go home.
The next day in the boys' locker room, Jackson checks on the claw wounds on his neck, which are still red and raw. He starts getting ready but then sees two glowing red eyes in the cloud of steam in the shower. He starts to panic and falls back in fear, only to discover that the dots were from a set of headphones. He lets out a breath and then turns to see Derek. Jackson stumbles back against a locker and stutters out that he doesn't know where Scott is. "I'm not here for Scott, I'm here for you." Jackson is terrified and continues to stutter. Derek asks him what he saw, and Jackson insists that he didn't see anything. "I swear, I'm not lying." "Then calm down and say it again," Derek says as he closes in on him.
Jackson repeats that he didn't see anything while Derek listens closely to his heartbeat. Then Derek checks the back of his neck and advises that he have a doctor look at the wounds. Jackson is too afraid of him to do or say anything about being manhandled.
That night, while his parents in a conference at school, Jackson is out in a field trying to throw a lacrosse ball into a can. He gets more and more frustrated and eventually throws his beer bottle at the tree in tears.
A few days later, Jackson wanders by the lacrosse field and stops to watch as Stiles pummels Scott with lacrosse balls for some reason. Eventually, Scott gets hurt enough that he's knocked to one knee. The closer Scott gets to changing, the worse Jackson looks. Later in the locker room Scott says it smells like something is rotting or dying in the locker room. Jackson comes around the corner, sweaty and pale and looking generally ill. He takes his shirt off, then the bandage on his neck. The claw wounds are still bleeding. Jackson hallucinates retching up wolf claws.
Jackson finds Allison sitting in the hallway reading her mythology book. He sits down next to her, and she tries to pretend like this is normal. She asks him if he wanted something, and he says he wants to talk. He apologizes for being a jerk to her and to Scott, much to Allison's surprise. She replies that she doesn't think he's being sincere. He tries to explain to her what it felt like to be the star of the team and then suddenly have some kid come along and take that away from him. He says it feels like something's been stolen, and he'd do anything to get it back. Allison tries to make a joke, "Haven't you learned there's no I in team?" "Yeah, but there is a me," Jackson replies. The joke falls flat, and Jackson realizes that she must really hate him. She claims she doesn't. Jackson says he really likes her, which she suspects is a come on, but he adds Scott's name in there, too. He wants them both to like him. Jackson leans in to ask Allison what she's reading, and she recoils from him.
That night, Jackson and Lydia pick up Allison, who was supposed to go on a date with Scott but he never showed. Jackson, Lydia, and Allison show up at the school, because the text Allison got was supposedly from Scott telling her to meet him there. The text is dated Feb 7 at 7:12pm. Although somehow it took them 2 hours to get to the school, because it's 9:26pm when they arrive. Allison notes that one of the doors is open, propped open by the bolt cutters. She heads for it, and Jackson offers to come with her. She turns him down, and he almost says "Be careful," much to her amusement. She likes him looking genuinely concerned. It's a little flirty, and Lydia just watches them, fuming.
Lydia and Jackson wait in the car without talking. They're facing Stiles's Jeep, and Jackson notices that the hood looks crappier than usual. He goes to take a look, and Lydia insists on going with him. There are claw marks on the hood. Jackson is more disturbed by this than Lydia and starts backing away toward the school.
Jackson and Lydia enter the school, and Lydia announces that she has to use the bathroom. Jackson tells her that he's starting to get tired of her and her annoying habits. As soon as she's gone, Jackson turns to see a form looming in the hallway. He thinks it's Scott at first, then he's afraid that it's Derek. But it's actually the alpha. He starts huffing in panic and touches the wounds on his neck. Lydia returns, and Jackson tells her he hasn't found the others.
Jackson and Lydia meet them in the lobby, and the alpha comes crashing down through the ceiling. They all run. They go into the cafeteria, and Scott locks the door at the top and bottom. Scott starts moving things in front of the door, while Stiles tries to tell everyone to stop. They ignore him and keep stacking everything in front of the door in orderly fashion. When he finally yells loudly enough that they listen, he asks them what they should do about the 20-foot wall of windows. They all stare, dumbfounded.
Allison asks Scott what's going on and what that thing was. Scott just moves away from her and doesn't say anything. Stiles takes over and tells them that someone killed the janitor. Everyone starts to freak out then. Lydia says that it was supposed to be over because the mountain lion is dead. Jackson says that it was never a mountain lion to begin with, and Allison demands to know what the killer wants. She asks who it is, and in desperation, Scott tells them it's Derek.
Scott keeps going with this story, telling everyone that Derek has been killing people around town. If they don't escape, he's going to kill them, too. Jackson suggests calling the cops, but Stiles tells him no, arguing that they don't know what he's armed with. "Your dad is armed with an entire Sheriff's department. Call him!" Jackson argues reasonably. Lydia calls 911, but the operator hangs up on her. They got a tip that there would be prank calls about a break-in at the high school. If she calls again, they'll trace the call and arrest her. Allison tells her to call again, but Stiles explains that they won't trace a cell and will instead go to Lydia's house before coming to the school.
Jackson breaks up their pow-wow and suggests that Stiles call his dad and tell him to send someone with a gun and decent aim. Stiles won't drag his dad into this, and Jackson goes after Stiles to steal his phone. Stiles punches him in the face. Allison goes to see if Jackson is okay, and Stiles gives in. He calls his dad and gets voicemail.
the alpha busts the door down, and they all run. On the second floor, they hide in the Chemistry lab. Scott amusingly places a very small stool under the door to keep it closed. For some reason, the alpha passes by the lab, despite all the racing heartbeats inside. Scott asks Jackson how many people his car can hold. Jackson tells him 5, which Allison seriously doubts because she barely fit in the back alone. Scott then suggests they use the stairs from the lab to the roof and climb down the fire escape. The door, however, is deadbolted. The janitor has a key, but it means going back to the basement to find his body.
Scott says that he's going to go get the key. Allison tells him that he can't go out there unarmed, and Lydia points out that she can make a self-igniting molotov cocktail from the chemicals in the lab. Everyone gives her a stunned look, and she tries to play innocent. Jackson smashes open the cabinet, and Lydia gets to mixing. She asks Jackson for the sulphuric acid, but he's not sure which bottle it is and just hands her one. Scott takes the flask, but Allison tries to tell him that he can't go. She explains that he has a tell and she knows he's been lying all night. Jackson smirks.
Allison begs Scott not to go, but he tells Stiles to lock the door behind him. Allison kisses him goodbye.
Lydia asks Jackson if he gave her the sulphuric acid, because the cocktail won't ignite without it. He hisses that he gave her what she asked for. But Stiles and Lydia seem to know that he didn't. His mistake means that Scott's weapon doesn't work during his encounter with the alpha. When the alpha roars and forces Scott to shift, Jackson collapses to the floor in pain. The others try to help him, but he won't tell them what's wrong. They all get rescued by the Sheriff and have the next two days off from school as the police perform an investigation.
Now that Allison has broken up with Scott, Jackson tries to get closer to her. He takes a seat next to Allison in the lunch room. She has a bit of jelly on her lip, and he takes the opportunity to wipe it off for her and then lick his thumb clean. "Do you want the bite?" he hears her ask, and it startles him. When he asks her to repeat it, she says, "Do you want a bite?" and offers him some of her food. He demurs, touching the wounds on his neck. They ask each other how they're doing after the incident. Allison says she's mostly thinking about Scott and that she hasn't talked to him. Jackson tells her that's for the best and that Scott got exactly what he deserves.
At lacrosse practice that afternoon, Coach Finstock informs everyone that Scott is being made co-captain. Jackson could not be more furious. Danny, however, points out that Scott scores more than anyone else. "Oh, is that the opinion of my best friend?" Jackson asks. "The opinion of your best friend is who the hell cares who's team captain? He's a good player, and you need to seriously get a grip." However, Jackson tells his friends to make the game difficult for Scott, and Scott ends up wolfing out on the field and hurting Danny.
Later, Jackson runs into Allison in the sporting goods store while he's getting Danny a new helmet. They end up sitting in Jackson's parents' car. She wants to tell him something but only if he promises not to laugh. "I don't think it was Derek in the school." Jackson says he doesn't either. Jackson tells Allison that just because she can't trust Scott doesn't mean she can't trust anybody. She tells him that her family has been lying to her, too. She says she has a weird feeling that her dad knows more about what happened at the school than they do.
It's the night of the full moon, and Scott hasn't learned to control his shift. He runs through the woods heading straight for Allison. He finds her still talking to Jackson. Jackson is telling her how he saw a shape that looked like a man, but then it got down on all fours and ran away. It moved like an animal. Scott thinks he sees them kissing and gets angrier. He makes a run for the car. Scott lands on the roof, but before he can attack, Derek tackles him and sends him flying.
When Jackson gets home, he notices a fingernail stuck in the door of the SUV. He takes it and matches it to the ruined glove he took from Scott.
At the doctor's office a few days later, Jackson is getting his claw wounds examined. The doctor asks him what scratched him. Then he asks Jackson if he's been having trouble sleeping lately and whether he's had nightmares. Jackson tells him he's been having nightmares about a house on fire, and he can hear screaming. Apparently, Derek inadvertently shared his memories through his claws when he impaled Jackson's neck. Jackson asks the doctor what dreams have to do with the wounds, and the doctor grabs a pair of foreceps, saying he needs to take a closer look. He comes at Jackson with a clawlike device, cutting into the wounds, and then starts extracting a long, gnarled strand of wolfsbane. Jackson screams and turns to see the doctor transformed into Derek.
Jackson blinks out of the hallucination to the doctor telling him he can put his shirt back on. His scabs are nothing to worry about. The doctor wants to give him antibiotics and tells him he has aconite poisoning. Aconite is another name for wolfsbane. On his way out of the hospital, Jackson stops by Melissa McCall's nurse station and asks her if he can use her computer. She replies that a handsome face like his probably doesn't hear no very often. He takes it as a compliment and smiles to himself. When she asks if he's one of Scott's friends, he tells her yes, and she lets him use her computer. Jackson hops on Inquiry-It and looks up wolfsbane, but we don't see what he finds.
At school, Jackson walks straight up to Scott and tells him he knows what he is. Scott tries to play dumb, but Jackson isn't buying it. He tells Scott that he wants to be a Werewolf, too. Scott will get him the Bite, or he's going to tell Allison.
In the lunchroom, Jackson is stares at Scott and Stiles from across the room. He then bites into an apple and watches curiously as Scott reacts to the sound. Then he tries talking to him without raising his voice. Scott tries to pretend that he can't hear him. Jackson has disappeared from the lunchroom, but he keeps asking Scott what else he can do. Jackson taunts Scott about being a cheater at lacrosse, and Scott starts to get angry. Jackson again threatens to ruin any chance Scott has with Allison if he doesn't get the Bite. Then he tells him he's going to have sex with her. Scott gets so angry he breaks his lunch tray in half trying to hold it in. Jackson smirks at him from the corner of the lunchroom and crunches into his apple.
Jackson and Allison race in the swimming pool. He wins and tells her that he has an unfair advantage with his aerodynamically perfect cheekbones. Jackson asks Allison if she's coming to the game and insists that she does when she says no. He tells her that Scott wants her to be there and hoped that she wouldn't feel weird about it. Jackson flirts with her more and splashes her.
Later, Lydia approaches Jackson in the hallway and tells him that his text isn't funny. He agrees. He's breaking up with her. He asks for his spare house key back and tells her that he's decided to drop some of the dead weight in his life. She can't believe that she's been dumped.
At the lacrosse game that evening, Jackson sits down next to Scott and asks him if it's the Bite that does it. Scott confirms but tells Jackson that he can't do it. He tries to explain that being a Werewolf is a whole lot more trouble than Jackson thinks it is. Scott tells him about the hunters and looks at the Argents in the stand. Jackson makes the connection between "argent" and silver, which explains the myths about Werewolf being killed by silver. Jackson gives Scott 72 hours to get him the Bite.
Jackson comes up to Scott after the and tells him that, if Scott can get him turned into a Werewolf, he will help him get Allison back in time for the winter dance.
The next day Jackson speeds through the warehouse district. He swings the car around, just doing doughnuts, when it comes to a sudden stop and the check engine light comes on. He gets out of the car, annoyed, and out of nowhere Chris Argent pulls up close by. Chris thinks that because of the claw marks on his neck, Jackson might be a Werewolf.
Chris puts on some gloves and offers to help Jackson with his car. Jackson demurs, but Chris is insistent. He leads Jackson around the back of the car to the engine compartment and has him lean in. This gives him a chance to pull down Jackson's collar and look at the claw wounds. When he mentions them, Jackson gets anxious and jumpy. Just then Stiles and Scott pull up in the Jeep. They offer Jackson a ride to the shop up the street.
When Jackson leaves the car, Chris pulls a device off the engine and pockets it. The car starts up fine, then. When Chris is gone, Jackson asks them if they're following him. Scott yells at him for almost giving away everything. "He thinks you're the second beta! He thinks you're me!" He then explains to Jackson that now he has to keep an eye on him so Chris doesn't kill him. Jackson turns the tables and claims that it's all Scott's fault. Stiles stops the fight from escalating. Scott tells Jackson that he won't be able to protect him because he can't protect anyone, and he gives Stiles a meaningful look.
Scott insists that Jackson doesn't want this gift, but Jackson fails to see how running really fast and being able to hear everything is bad thing. Scott tells him that half the time he's running really fast it's away from people trying to kill him. He says it ruined his life. Jackson thinks that it ruined Scott's life because he didn't know what to do with the powers that he got. Jackson gets in his car and drives away.
Later that day, Jackson is working out in the boys locker room, when suddenly Derek turns his music off. He picks a different song, puts it on, and then stands up where Jackson can see him. Jackson grabs his lacrosse stick and challenges Derek to a fight, claiming he isn't afraid of him. Derek sort of grins at him and says that not only is he afraid, he's been afraid every day of his life. Derek offers Jackson the opportunity to become a Werewolf.
Derek brings Jackson to the Hale House. He tells him to go in. Jackson asks him what's inside the house. "Everything you want." When Jackson opens the door, Derek claps him on the shoulder and tells him everything is going to be all right. "This house... it's the same house," Jackson says, and Derek's demeanor changes. "What'd you say?" "I've dreamt about this place. I remember the staircase, I remeber these walls, I remember everything." Derek asks him if he's been there, and Jackson tells him it was just a dream. As he turns around, Jackson realizes that there's no one else there and no one else coming. He backs away and pleads for his life. Derek tells him that if he deserved to live someone would be there trying to save him. Then Scott announces himself and leaps down the staircase to come between them. Derek threatens to kill him, too.
And then a flash bomb arrow explodes nearby. Jackson scurries away, while Scott gets shot with an assault rifle.
Because he's banned from the formal, Scott asks Jackson to take Allison to the dance. Jackson tells him to go screw himself. Scott points out that he got shot saving Jackson's life, but when Jackson asks for proof, Scott can't give him any because the wound healed. Scott begs, but Jackson suggests having Allison's dad watch over her if the danger is so great. Scott obviously can't, though, without giving himself away. Jackson says it isn't his problem, but Scott doesn't believe that Jackson could have spent so much time getting to know her without coming to like her. Scott has to wolf out and threaten Jackson to finally get him to agree.
Jackson is sweating and plastering on a fake smile when he asks Allison when he should pick her up for the dance tomorrow. She asks him if he's okay, and he insists that not only is he great, he's just excited for the dance! As friends!
The night of the formal, Jackson pulls into a parking lot at the school and takes a shot of vodka before getting out of the car. He offers Allison some, but she doesn't take it. She asks Jackson if he knows if Scott's coming, and he tells her that he knows he's not allowed to because of academic probation. Lydia tells Jackson that he looks handsome, and he replies, "Obviously. It's Hugo Boss."
Inside the dance, Jackson sharing the vodka with Danny and another guy. Drunk, Jackson wanders outside alone. As he approaches some trees, sees a red glow in the darkness that looks like eyes. Jackson is looking for Peter. He falls to the ground and tells him that he wants to be like him, be one of them. But it turns out that there are hunters in the woods instead and the red dots were from their laser scopes. "Unfortunately, Jackson, I don't think I can give you what you want," Chris says, "but I have a feeling you might be able to help me." Jackson leads Chris back toward the formal and asks him to promise that he won't hurt Scott. "Of course not, he's just a kid." Jackson heads inside as Lydia heads out a different door looking for him.
He runs into Stiles, and Stiles asks him if Lydia found him. Jackson can barely speak as he tries to tell Stiles what he did.
After Peter attacks Lydia on the lacrosse field, he allows Stiles to call Jackson to tell him to come get her. Jackson carries Lydia back to the school, crying. He shouts for help, and someone calls an ambulance. Jackson heads into the hospital looking for Lydia. Sheriff Stilinski is there and demands to know what happened to her. The Sheriff gets angry and slams Jackson up against the wall, telling him that Lydia is his girlfriend and therefore his responsibility. Jackson tells him that she went to the dance with Stiles. The Sheriff lets him go, stunned.
After Stiles checks in at the hospital, he heads off to find Scott. Jackson offers to drive, but Stiles shoves him away, having no use for his guilt. Jackson still offers his car, and Stiles takes his keys. They try to leave, but Chris Argent and two red shirt hunters get in their way. Chris demands to know where Scott is, and Stiles tells him he hasn't seen him since the dance. They ask Jackson, but Jackson's such a bad liar that he can't say anything. The hunters throw the boys into an empty room. Chris gets answers out of Stiles, who accuses Kate of murder, but Jackson is largely left alone.
They do end up taking Jackson's car and arrive at the Hale House in time to see Peter fully shifted and attempting to kill everyone. Stiles and Jackson each throw self-igniting molotov cocktails at him, setting him on fire. After Peter is dead, everyone disperses, but Jackson goes into the Hale House looking for Derek. He tells him that he helped Derek get what he was after and now he wants what's his. Derek leaps down the staircase and gives Jackson an evil smile.
Derek gives Jackson what he wants and bites him. Somehow, Jackson ends up in a river in the preserve, and rises to the surface with his shirt all torn. A couple of days later, while in Chemistry class, Jackson's nose begins to bleed black blood. He runs to the bathroom, and the ooze starts to come out of his mouth, too. Someone knocks on the stall door, and Jackson thinks it's Danny coming to check on him, but it's actually Derek. He could tell that something was wrong and came to check on Jackson. Jackson informs him that he's not going to be part of his pack, but then Derek points out that there's black ooze coming out of Jackson's ear. Derek tells him that his body is rejecting the bite and vanishes, looking terrified.
When Jackson goes home that night, he lies in bed coughing, still choking out more black ooze. His bedroom is littered with tissues. The next evening, while he's throwing away the tissues, Jackson sees Isaac running away from his father after one of their fights. Jackson scoffs and calls them freaks.
The next school day, the Sheriff pulls Jackson into the principal's office to talk to him about the Laheys now that Mr. Lahey has been murdered. Jackson admits to knowing that Isaac was abused but not saying anything to anyone about it. Sheriff Stilinski gives him a disgusted look before saying “…it’s funny that the kids getting beaten up are always the ones that least deserve it.” But Jackson doesn't see what the problem is with his choice.
When Lydia tries to later thank Jackson for saving her life at the winter formal, he tells her in no uncertain terms that they aren't getting back together. He tells her not to go to the game because it's a full moon.
That night, Jackson has Matt bring him a video camera so he can record himself while he sleeps. He wants to capture video of himself shifting. Matt thinks he wants to record a sex tape, and Jackson informs him that he wouldn't do anything so lame. He puts the money in Matt's pocket and takes the camera. He sets it up pointed at his bed and goes to sleep. When he wakes up the next morning, he rushes to see what the camera recorded, but it's just him sleeping. He throws the camera on the ground in frustration.
The next day in bio class, Matt yells at Jackson for the cracked lens in his camera. Jackson does care and is actually paying attention to the video they're showing in class on immunity. He thinks Lydia somehow made him immune to the Bite and yells at her after class. She has no idea what he's talking about. Jackson goes to the Hale House looking for Derek to get answers about why his body is rejecting the Bite, but instead he finds Chris Argent and some hunters. Jackson ends up at the high school doing lacrosse exercises. His truck gets stuck in the mud, and he takes out his frustration on it by trying to push it. He manages to lift the back of the truck out of the mud.
Jackson ends up asking Danny for help with the video he took of himself. He asks Danny to boost the quality, even though there's no indication that there was anything wrong with the quality. He makes Danny promise to keep it to himself. Danny doesn't, and at the lacroose game later, he walks up to Jackson with Matt in tow. Jackson is angry that Danny got Matt involved, but they both point out that Matt's the one who found that the video had been tampered with.
During the game, Jackson starts fighting with Scott because Scott isn't using his werewolf powers to help them win. Scott says he can't because Gerard Argent is in the stands and will see him and know that he's a werewolf. At some point during the game, Jackson disappears.
A few days later, Jackson and Danny are in the boys locker room working out. Jackson is convinced that he should be able to lift a lot of weight because supernatural things are happening to him. He keeps asking Danny to add more weight, and Danny tells him the only way he could lift it is if they were on the moon. Jackson insists, and Danny decides he's had enough. He goes to take a shower and tells Jackson that if he's dead when he comes back, he's taking the Porsche. Jackson attempts to lift too much weight anyway, and the bar goes down to his chest. Erica lifts the bar back up with one hand and kidnaps him.
Erica takes him to Derek's subway tunnel hideout, and she and Isaac hold him down. Derek looks very threatening with his black leather gloves and asks Jackson what happened to him on the full moon. Jackson insists that nothing happened and claims to have the video to prove it. They all laugh at the idea that he videotaped himself. Derek says that he has a better way to find out whether Jackson is the kanima and he comes at him with a piece of the mirror that Scott used to scare the kanima away. There is paralytic venom on the glass. Erica and Isaac hold Jackson's mouth open, and Derek feeds him a drop of venom. Jackson gets paralyzed, much to their annoyance. While Jackson is unable to move, Isaac tells him that he's going to recant his story with the police about seeing the Laheys fight, which will get suspicion off of Isaac and allow him to come out of hiding.
The next morning, Jackson tells Sheriff Stilinski that in fact he did not see Isaac and his father fighting the night Mr. Lahey was murdered. Later that day, Danny tells Jackson that he found a program that can recover the lost video but it will take a while to run. He will run it during their free period. Jackson then overhears Isaac and Erica planning to do something to Lydia during Chemistry class. In Econ, Jackson asks Stiles and Scott what a kanima is and why Derek thinks he is one. He tells them that he overheard Isaac and Erica talking about Lydia. Coach Finstock notices the three of them talking and asks Jackson if there's something he'd like to share with the class. Jackson compliments Coach, and Finstock thanks him and tells him to shut it.
Jackson meets up with Danny in the library for free period so Danny can run the video recovery software. Matt joins them, and Jackson just watches as the two of them flirt. He makes fun of Danny for it, but Danny tells him that Matt is interested in Allison. Danny asks Jackson if there's anyone who could get into his house to edit the video, and as he says it Lydia walks into the library.
Allison, Stiles, Jackson, and Lydia leave the library and go to Scott's house, because Derek and his pack are convinced that Lydia is the kanima. When they get to the house, Jackson takes Lydia upstairs and asks her for his key back. She yells at him for being insensitive, but he asks her a second time. She says she doesn't have it, but he can tell she's lying. Jackson then accuses Lydia of being the one to edit the tape. He doesn't understand why she always wants to take everything from him. They both get upset, and Lydia takes the key and chain from around her neck and gives it back to him. She cries, and he can't stand to see her cry, so he kisses her. They break apart when they hear crashing and fighting downstairs. Lydia goes to look, but Jackson collapses in pain. When Allison arrives at the door and tells Lydia to hide, Jackson is gone at the window is open.
When the fighting is done, everyone is outside except Lydia. They all see the kanima crawling along the roof of Scott's house, and then Lydia comes running out the front door. Scott realizes that Jackson is the kanima after all, although Derek does not.
Derek takes off after the kanima on foot, while Scott and Stiles take Stiles's Jeep. They follow it to the warehouse district, where Derek fights it hand to hand. He does okay until the kanima pulls out some electrical wiring, and the flashes blind him. Chris Argent shows up and fills the kanima with bullets, although he's really there for Derek. He thinks the kanima is dead, but it gets up and throws him into a wall. The kanima then goes to Gerard Argent and stares at him awhile without attacking. Scott tackles the kanima, which sends it running.
It heads for the Jungle because Danny is going to be there and crawls in through a window on the upper floor. It crawls along the ceiling, and while concealed by a smoke machine, drops down and starts knocking people out, including Danny. Derek appears and attacks it, slashing its throat deeply. The kanima takes off out the back and shifts back to Jackson in the parking lot. Scott finds Jackson with blood on his throat, naked, between some parked cars. He and Stiles get him into the back of Stiles's Jeep and attempt to keep the police from spotting him until they can get him out of there. Scott has to punch him to knock him out and keep him from making noise.
When Jackson wakes up, he's chained in the jack of a prison transport van. He immediately thinks it's Stiles and Scott's fault. Stiles goes into the van to bring Jackson some food. He explains that he put Jackson's clothes on him, so this hasn't been a fun time for him either. He tells Jackson that he's been turning into a monster and killing people, but Jackson obviously thinks he's crazy. Jackson tells him that his parents will be looking for him, and Stiles reveals that he's been using Jackson's phone to text his parents.
In an effort to convince Jackson that he's been killing people, Stiles asks him what he did on the night of semi-final game. Jackson claims he went home. Stiles explains that in fact he tried to kill him and Derek at the pool. He also tells Jackson that he tried to kill Danny, and Jackson wants to know why he'd try to kill his best friend. Stiles has no answer. Jackson threatens to prosecute them both.
Later that night, Jackson listens as Allison, Scott, and Stiles discuss what to do with him. Stiles suggests killing him. Scott won't hear that. He sympathizes with Jackson, beacuse when he got the Bite, he didn't know what he was doing either, but he had people to help him. Jackson has no one. A tear runs down Jackson's cheek when they talk about how alone he is. His skin starts to shift into scales. Jackson continues to change and eventually breaks out of the prison van while no one is watching.
The kanima goes to attack a man named Sean and his wife in their trailer home in the woods. It drags Sean into a tree and kills him and then goes for the wife. The wife is pregnant, and the kanima stares at her belly before running away, unable to kill her.
After the killing, Jackson goes home to wash off the blood and then to his parents and the police to get a restraining order against Scott and Stiles.
The next day at school, Jackson goes to the biology lab to discuss his paper. He is enthralled by a snake in its cage and lifts it up. It crawls around his arm and down his throat. Presumably this is a hallucination. Later, he goes to the boys locker room for a shower. When Allison comes in looking for him, he calls to her, but he's not acting like himself. He doesn't warn her that he's naked and uses her discomfort against her, backing her up against the wall as he talks. He asks her if she's stressed about her relationship with Scott and tells her that she's a stupid bitch if she thinks he's not going to eventually go run to Derek's pack. Being in love won't save her. He takes out his claws and touches her face, telling her that he hopes her dad has been teaching her to defend herself. She replies that he has and grabs his wrist and tries to throw him. It ends up with her on the floor and Jackson on top of her. Jackson is shocked back to himself and has no idea what he's doing or why Allison is there.
Scott bursts in to find them like that. He attacks Jackson, and the two of them fight, ruining the locker room and breaking a sink. Jackson throws a 45lb weight like a Frisbee. When they tumble out of the locker room into the hall, Erica restrains Jackson, while Stiles takes Scott. They all get detention.
In detention, Jackson tells Mr. Harris that he's not allowed to be close to Scott and Stiles. Mr. Harris moves them one table further away. Jackson starts getting one of his headaches during detention and asks to go to the bathroom. As he looks in the mirror, a snake bursts out of his eye socket and slithers down the drain. Jackson goes back to the library looking worse for wear. Mr. Harris leaves but tells them all they have to stay and restock books.
While putting books away, Jackson starts seeing messages written on the spines: Close Your Eyes Jackson. Close Them Now. He shifts in the library and knocks out Matt. Half-transformed, Jackson ruins the library and then goes to the blackboard. He writes: STAY OUT OF MY WAY OR I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU, then leaps out a window and escapes.
Jackson is back at school the next day and gets a text message during class. He leaves and drives to somewhere in the warehouse district. The rave on Friday is selling tickets only from this location. Jackson runs into Matt, who is nervous to see him and lets him cut in line. Jackson steps up to the ticket window and holds up a single finger to indicate how many tickets he wants. He doesn't say anything, and his creepy stare makes Kara Simmons, the ticket seller, end that day's sales.
Everyone seems to know that Jackson is going to be at the rave on Friday, so they all attempt to capture him there. He heads straight for Kara, but Isaac and Erica intercept him and start dancing with him and kissing him. It's meant as a distraction so Isaac can inject him with ketamine. Jackson's master is onto their plan, though, and has Jackson attack them before Isaac can do the injection. Isaac manages to recover the needle and go after Jackson, knocking him out.
They drag Jackson to a side room and set him up in a chair. Stiles arrives, and Isaac wants to test if Jackson is really knocked out. He tries to attack him, and Jackson grabs his wrist and hurts it without ever looking conscious. Stiles starts asking the kanima's master questions through Jackson. The master claims that all the people they've killed have deserved it because they murdered someone. When Stiles asks who, they reply: me.
Jackson starts to change into the kanima. Isaac already used all the ketamine, so they have no choice but to run. They slam the door on the room shut hoping to keep him in, but the kanima breaks through the wall and goes into the rave. It kills Kara. It's unclear whether or not trying to capture the kanima and master with a circle of mountain ash would have worked, because Stiles has to break the circle in order to allow Derek to save Scott. The kanima and master both escape.
A few days later is Lydia's birthday. She runs into Jackson at school and asks him if he's coming to her party. He tells her that she doesn't want him there, but he ends up going anyway. He drinks some of the punch laced with wolfsbane and ends up having a hallucination about his birth parents. He sees them from behind and hears them asking to see him, but when they turn around, their faces are blank skin. Jackson feels his own face turn into a blank slate and freaks out about not having an identity.
Everyone at the party starts freaking out. Someone throws Matt into the pool, and he screams that he can't swim. Jackson pulls him out. When the cops arrive to break up the party, Scott sees Matt outside with the kanima wrapped around his legs. Scott realizes Matt is the kanima's master.
It's now revealed that when Matt loans Jackson the camera to film himself, he stayed up all night in his car watching a streaming feed from the camera. He saw Jackson change and saw the kanima come up to his car. They made a connection that night.
Matt knows he's been found out, so he follows Scott, Stiles, and Sheriff Stilinski to the sheriff's station. He uses Jackson to incapacitate Derek when Derek arrives to talk to Scott and then has him paralyze Stiles as well. Matt leaves Jackson to watch over Stiles and Derek while he takes Scott into another room and explains how he was killed and why he's been getting revenge. Matt found out that he could control Jackson just by taking a picture of whoever he wanted to die.
The Argents arrive at the sheriff station because Matt told them that Derek was there when he asked for the bestiary, and they want Derek. During the fight, they end up having to fight the kanima as well. Chris and Allison go after it. It attacks Chris, and Allison shoots it in the head with a crossbow. It just pulls the bolt out and comes after her. She hides under a desk and switches to her ring daggers. Allison attacks it and sinks the dagger in, but it doesn't do any good. The kanima grabs her by the throat and then paralyzes her. Chris makes some noise as a distraction and then picks her up and escapes.
Matt and the kanima escape the sheriff's station but encounter Gerard at the river. Gerard drowns Matt and takes over as the kanima's master.
A couple of days later, Gerard and the kanima go to Scott's house and take his mother hostage. Gerard tells Scott that either he does what he says or he'll kill her.
Jackson returns to school and to lacrosse practice. Isaac tells Scott that Jackson is playing in the championship game, and Scott knows this can't be good news. The night of the game, Danny asks Jackson if he's okay because he hasn't been responding to his texts. Jackson snaps out of his trance long enough to tell Danny to stay in the goal and not come out. He has to run if he sees Jackson coming toward him.
At the game, Gerard tells Scott that he needs to hand over Derek or Jackson is going to start killing people. Scott starts enacting his own plan to get himself into the game, and Gerard has Jackson attack Isaac to get him off the field. When the game ends, Jackson starts to turn but he doesn't attack other people. He rips his own guts apart and collapses.
By the time the EMTs get to him, Jackson is dead. They put him in a body bag and wheel him to the ambulance. They don't notice the kanima toxin leaking out of the bag. Melissa McCall rides in the ambulance and takes Jackson down to the morgue. She notices the ooze coming out of the bag and decides to open it. Jackson is encased in a clear cocoon, and his hands are turning into claws. She calls Scott and tells him he needs to get down there. Scott and Isaac arrive, and while they're there, Jackson starts to move. His mouth pops open revealing rows of black teeth. Melissa zips the bag back up, and Scott calls Derek to tell him that something is definitely happening to Jackson. They believe that Jackson may be evolving into an alpha state, which has wings.
Everyone agrees to meet in the warehouse district, and Scott and Isaac steal Jackson's body. When they're all in the warehouse, Gerard reveals that he's the kanima's master, and Jackson shifts so he can start attacking people. He shoves his claws into Derek's chest and throws him across the warehouse. Derek comes back for more, and Jackson swipes him across the middle paralyzing him. Gerard has the kanima take Allison by the throat so that he can make Scott help him with his plan. The kanima holds onto Allison until Scott helps Gerard give himself the Bite on Derek's teeth. When Gerard realizes that something's gone wrong, he tells the kanima to kill them all. Allison escapes, and then Stiles hits the kanima with his Jeep.
Lydia jumps out and runs up to the kanima, shouting Jackson's name. She holds up the key he gave her, and he starts to remember who he is. He shifts back to human. Derek and Peter take the opportunity to attack, and they both impale him on their claws. While he's dying, Jackson asks Lydia if she still loves him. She says she does. Jackson goes limp. Everyone cries, but then they notice Jackson's hands becoming claws. His eyes open, and they shine werewolf blue. Jackson rises up and roars at the sky. He shifts back to human again, shaking and looking terrified, and Lydia hugs him.
Jackson's parents move him to London over the summer, after Derek has had a chance to teach him to control himself during the full moon.