Wolf Moon

Lydia is proud and protective of the Cyclones status as a winning team and Jackson's status as team captain. Scott and Stiles aren't even on her radar because they aren't good players. When Scott's new abilities improve his skills on the field, Lydia takes notice and even cheers for him, much to Jackson's annoyance. On Friday night, at her party, Lydia makes out with Jackson but keeps her eye on Scott and Allison dancing.
Second Chance at First Line
Scott attempts to tell Coach Finstock that he can't play in the upcoming game of the lacrosse season, but the Coach won't hear it. Lydia won't hear it either when she and Scott are both up at the board in math class. If neither Scott nor Jackson play, then the Cyclones will lose, and then she would be the dating the captain of the losing lacrosse team, which she has no interest in doing. She blackmails Scott into playing by promising to introduce Allison to all the hot lacrosse team members if he tries to bow out.

At the game, she threatens Scott again. She tells him what's the most important thing. Scott tries "Winning isn't everything?". Lydia returns "No one likes a loser." Throughout the game, Lydia makes Allison hold up signs cheering Jackson on. It inadvertantly angers Scott. She scoffs at the fact that Scott hasn't gotten the ball once all game, even though Jackson had instructed the team not to pass to him. When Scott finally gets angry enough to kick in his abilities, Lydia and Jackson are the only ones left not cheering.
Pack Mentality
Lydia and Jackson decide that their clique should be having lunch with Allison. They aren't particularly thrilled that this also means lunch with Scott and Stiles, but Lydia is trying to make nice. They start talking about the animal attacks, and Danny says that he heard it was a cougar. Jackson tells him that he heard it was a mountain lion. Lydia cannot help but tell him that they are the same thing, but she covers her knowledge by then asking Jackson if that's correct. She quickly gets bored of the conversation and asks instead what they're going to do on their double date the next night. Lydia is the only one who thinks this is a good idea, but she soldiers on and suggests bowling. Jackson declares he only bowls if there's good competition, and Allison takes up the challenge on her and Scott's behalf.
The next day, Lydia helps Allison pick out her clothes for the bowling date. She gets a little minxy when Chris Argent comes into the room, giving him her best sexy pose and comehither look, which he ignores entirely. The girls are told that they cannot leave the house that night, but Allison jumps off the roof and heads for the bowling alley to Lydia's astonishment. Lydia decides to take the stairs. Once at the bowling alley, Lydia pretends to be a poor bowler so that Jackson can step in and help her. At first, Scott is terrible, which makes Jackson happy, but once he starts using his abilities, he throws perfect strikes. When Scott's score exceeds Jackson's, Lydia asks him to help her with her form. Scott demurs, and Lydia turns down Jackson's offer to help her again. She then gets up and throws a strike. Allison lets on that she knows Lydia is faking her lack of skill, and Lydia tells her that she fakes a lot of things for Jackson's benefit.
Magic Bullet
Some time later, Lydia advises Allison that if she's going to have a "study date" with Scott, she better make sure that Scott uses a condom. She advises not going all the way the first time, to keep Scott wanting more.
The Tell
Lydia insists on her and Jackson going to the video store to rent The Notebook (iTunes). While Jackson goes in, Lydia waits in the car doing her makeup and checking her phone. The Alpha Werewolf comes crashes out of the store and runs by her car, and she manages to catch it on video and screams. The Sheriff takes their statements and sends them home.
Lydia doesn't come into school the next day, which prompts Stiles to check in on her at home. She's high on prescription pills and lets him get much closer to her than she normally would. She tells him that she saw a mountain lion, but she's just repeating what the police told her. When Stiles is about to leave, she asks him to come back. He does, but when she calls him Jackson, he realizes that she doesn't even know he's there. Stiles steals her phone and eventually deletes the video of the alpha.
Heart Monitor
Lydia largely puts the encounter with the alpha out of her mind, until Allison starts talking about La Bête du Gévaudan. She reads some passages from the mythology book she has and then shows Lydia an image of a beast with red eyes. Fear spikes in Lydia, but she covers her reaction with indifference.
Night School
She continues to arrange double dates with Allison and Scott and next shows up with Jackson to pick Allison up after Scott has failed to show. Allison gets a text from Scott telling her to meet him at the school, so the three of them head there. Lydia watches with growing mistrust as Jackson talks to Allison and tells her to be safe as she goes into the school. The more Jackson seems happy with his interactions with Allison, the more demanding and clingy Lydia becomes. She follows Jackson to go check out Stiles's smashed Jeep and then follows him into the school when he goes ot see where everyone is. Lydia makes a detour to go the bathroom, and she and Jackson fight about how annoying she's become.
As Scott, Stiles, Allison, Jackson, and Lydia attempt to run from the alpha in the school, Lydia reveals some of her extensive knowledge by offering to mix up a self-igniting Molotov cocktail from what's available in the Chemistry lab. Jackson hands her the wrong chemicals, so it doesn't work. When she accuses him of having messed it up, he barks back at her, and she shuts up. She is the first to hear the approaching police sirens signalling their rescue.
The following week, Lydia and Allison talk between classes about how weird it is that no one in the school knows that they were there the night the janitor was murdered. Allison isn't sure if she made the right decision to break up with Scott, but Lydia supports her by telling her that Scott left them for dead. It's unclear whether this represents her true feelings on the subject, as she later tells Scott that she thought he was brave for trying to protect them. She flirts with him in Finstock's office and makes out with him. It is also unclear if this is a way to get back at Jackson or is just a power trip for her own ego.
At lacrosse practice, after Scott attacks Danny, Lydia comes onto the field to see if Danny is okay. Jackson and Stiles both notice her smudged lipstick, which is how Stiles knows she was making out with Scott.
Wolf's Bane
Lydia fulfills her role as best friend during Allison and Scott's break-up, making sure that Scott can't sit near her in class. Jackson breaks up with Lydia via text message in preparation for the new life he wants to have as a werewolf. She's legitimately devastated.
In order to apologize for kissing Scott, Lydia takes Allison to Macy's to buy her a dress for the winter formal. Allison is surprised at the gesture but tells Lydia that in addition she's going to go with Stiles to the dance. Lydia drags Stiles around the store to do her shopping and does accompany him to the dance. When she sees Jackson, she compliments him on his suit, hoping for a similar reply, but he gives her an arrogant remark instead. She tries to convince herself that she doesn't care what he thinks, although she clearly does. Stiles tells her that she looks beautiful, and she takes his arm.
At the dance, Lydia shows little interest in actually dancing. Stiles tries asking her, then ordering her. Then he opens up about how much of a crush he's had on her and how smart he knows she is. She's stunned and touched that he could know so much about the real her. She decides to dance with him, then, although eventually she can't help but wonder where Jackson is. Stiles lets her go looking for him. As she's searching, she ends up on the lacrosse field and is attacked by Peter Hale. He gives her the bite, tearing into her side, rendering her unconscious.
Code Breaker
Jackson carries Lydia back to the dance and then follows to the hospital. Lydia is still unconscious in her hospital bed by the end of Season 1, although she is neither turning into a werewolf nor dying, which - at the time - were declared the only options after getting the bite.